
  • The ‘Arboles Patrimonial’ Project goes on line

    The Arboles Patrimonial aims, with the backing of the Peruvian Government, to list magesterial trees for conservation. At least one tree in each district or province will be so listed and used as an instrument to increase awareness of conservation. The seed money for this endeavour was provided by this Foundation working once again with…

  • The Beginning of Life2

    As an adjunct to our ‘Monumental Trees Project’ I am sponsoring links to films which ANIA have produced which follow on from The Children’s Lands Projects and a film launched in 2016 titled ‘The Beginning of Life’. The new film is part two and can be viewed on Netflix. Duration is about 90 minutes. It can…

  • A New Environmental Project in Peru for Tree Preservation 2021

    The Foundation in association with The Orbis Pictus Trust and ANIA is embarking on a pilot scheme in Peru which is an extension of The Children’s Forest and Children’s Lands projects which we piloted since the late 1990s. Those schemes and their associated manuals were translated into three languages and placed open access on the…

  • 2019/2020 update

    Activities this year were dominated by the failure  of the Kirkman harpsichord to perform satisfactorily. Built in Genoa, many deficiencies were found which needed to be rectified. After almost a year of investigation and negotiation, Michael Parfitt, the conservator of the early instruments collection at the Royal Academy of Music, will undertake a rebuild which…

  • Harpsichord Concert sponsored by the Foundation

    The attached tweet documents the concert which was previously announced in news


    Three years ago, this Foundation gifted a concert grand Bluthner piano to The National Gallery in order to revive the Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts. Since then several international pianists have performed including Imogen Cooper and Anne Queffelec. At the time of the inaugural concert the Foundation suggested that for baroque music a harpsichord might…

  • Nepal

    The Foundation is actively working with |The Glacier Trust on a new project with hill farmers to improve coffee production and soil concervation as well as re-afforestation. Please see the attached PDF for the very latest update. Click on the PDF letters below

  • Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concert at The National Gallery

    On October the 10th, the 70th anniversary of the first wartime concert that Myra Hess organised, a concert was held in the |Barrye Rooms on the Bluthner piano donated by this Foundation. This was the third concert in this new series. The Foundation had arranged for Imogen Cooper to play at the first two in 2017 and 2018. This…

  • SAVE THE DATE-OCTOBER 16th 6.30 pm

    The Foundation has sponsored the hire of St. John’s Smith Square London SW1 for a concert by Nafis Umerkulova and the Purcell School Chamber Orchestra. The programme includes music by Stanchinsky, Scriabin, Tchaikovsky and Beethoven, an exciting mix. The concert serves to highlight the launch of Nafis’ first CD albumn dedicated to the works of…

  • Further music sponsorship 2019

    In order to support Nafis Umerkulov’s launch CD the Foundation has hired St. John’s Smith Square for her to perform together with the Purcell School of Music’s Orchestra. A notice and programme will be posted later in the year. The Foundation made a grant to Frances Gregory, mezzo soprano, to support her accomodation costs throughout…

  • Sponsorship of a seat at the Sainsbury Theatre, RAM, London

    In 2018 the Foundation sponsored a seat with a memorial plaque dedicated to the great Bach pianist, Edwin Fischer 1886-1960 in the new Susie Sainsbury theatre (see image). For 2019 the Foundation will sponsor another seat this time dedicated to the incomparable contralto so beloved by the British public, Kathleen Ferrier 1912-1953. ‘Kathleen Ferrier was (and still…

  • The new Kirkman Harpsichord

    In 2017 it was decided to commission a 1782 Kirkman double manual harpsichord for presentation to the London National Gallery. The builder is Mario del Grosso in Genoa, of international renown. Since there are no complete drawings for this Kirkman instrument a certain amount of research had to be carried out as there are subtle differences from…

  • A concert in the Casa della Musica, Arezzo, Tuscany

    The Foundation has sponsored a concert in CAMU [the Casa della Musica in Via Vasari, Arezzo] featuring NAFIS UMERKULOVA. The programme includes Beethoven’s Tempest Sonata Op. 31, Schubert Impromptu no.1 Op.142, D935, a sonata by Scriabin no.4, Op.30 and 4 Preludes, Op.22 by Stanchinsky. The CAMU was opened this year primarily to promote music for children and…

  • Updaters on our Peru Childrens Lands projects as of April 2018

    The attached PDF documents the updates on our three projects in the Iquitos region of the Amazon basis which we initiated in 2016. All projects are running extremely well and indeed are expanding.The kids have been taught their native Kkukuma traditional Indios language which otherwise was dying out. The children are whole heartedly embracing environmental…

  • Sponsorship at The Royal Academy of Music, London

    This Foundation has co-sponsored two seats in the new concert hall at The Royal Academy of Music, London. The seats are dedicated to the memory of two prominent musicians – Jascha Heifetz, the famous Lithuanian born Russian violinist 1901-1987 and to Edwin Fischer, 1886-1960, the pianist who was born in Basel and who rivalled Schnabel…

  • The Dame Myra Hess WW2 concerts recalled on BBC2 tonight

    BBC2 televised a programme celebrating the Dame Myra Hess concerts tonight with a Live Performance of Dance and music recreating the journey of one of the paintings from the slate mine storage in Snowdonia to the National gallery. The programme is titled Live Performance: Winged Bull in the Elephant case and can be seen on…

  • The Florence Concert January 22 2017 – Nafis Umerkulova

    The house was full and there were no less than five curtain calls. Works by Stanchinsky proved a revelation to the audience who demanded a return performance. Plans are afoot for a concert in the future at the Fondazione Scuola di Musica di Fiesole in the Casa della Musica in Arezzo.

  • A Concert in Florence

    The location is Palazzo Giugni, Via Alfani 48, Florence and the time 6.30 pm The Foundation is sponsoring a piano recital to be held on the 22nd January 2018 at the Lyceum Club Internazionale in Florence. The pianist is the renowned Uzbeck-British musician, Nafis Umerkulova. The programme consists of works by Haydn, Schumann and  Stanchinsky.

  • 10 October 2010 Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concert

    THE NATIONAL GALLERY REMEMBERS MYRA HESS AND THE BLITZ Dame Myra Hess was famous for initiating the renowned wartime concert series held in the National Gallery, London. The first was held on October 10th 1939. You may read about Myra on the National Gallery website.  For information and biography of Myra Hess: In…

  • Peru projects 2017 update

    Attached is an update on the several projects we sponsored in March 2016. They are all proceeding exceedingly well. GATIA goes from strength to strength under the able guidance of ANITA and they are now considering launching a cartoon to promote their work much as ANIA did 7 years ago with immense success. We may…

  • 2017 Charity concert on behalf of Doctors Without Borders

    The Parish Church of the SS Trinita at Rollo di Andora, Liguria, Province of Savona For the last 13 years the Foundation has sponsored a charity concert of classical music in the baroque church of the SS. Trinita in Borgo di Rollo, Andora, Liguria. This year the concert will be held on July 29th at 8.30pm.…

  • A New Harpsichord for the National Gallery, London

    Following on upon the success of the Bluthner concert grand piano this Foundation in conjunction with the Orbis Pictus Foundation gifted to the National Gallery in Autumn 2016 the Foundation has now commissioned a Kirkman 1770 replica harpsichord also to be gifted to the National Gallery. The instrument will be built over the next 9…

  • The Childrens Lands book

    I attach an image of the book and the introduction in pdf (in Spanish) We have printed 1000 copies of which 500 will be given to opinion leaders in Peru (media people, CEO, School directors, deans of universities, artists, politicians, among others) The book has 230 illustrated pages and has the format of a “coffee…

  • Music sponsorship 2017

    Last July the Foundation discussed the possibility of sponsoring a young musician from Tashkent. We are pleased to announce that we are sponsoring the travel and stay of Alina Pritulenko who is a pupil of Mrs Gulnora Umarova. The latter is the mother of Nafis Umerkulova, the very successful young pianist and graduate of RAM who…

  • End of year update on projects in Peru December 2016

    Attached you may find a PDF report on the 4 projects we sponsored near Iquitos as a result of my visit there in March this year. All projects are a great success going forward as you can see from the happy smiles of the children at Padre Cocha and Puerto Prado. The project survey and business plan…