Anya and Chambo Montera Micro Hydroelectric Project

2010-2011 was a relatively quiet year. Much of the time was taken up in writing reports and analysing statistics for the Chambo Montera Micro Hydroelectric Project.

As you are aware this had failed on its prior installation on 2008/9 due to faulty workmanship and poor training schedules carried out by Practical Action Peru. Patrick Matthiesen spent exorbitant amounts of time in harrowing and hassling both practical action bin the UK and Peru and people on the ground and writing reports. A campaign of exposure on the Foundations Website finally ensured that proper technicians from the Peru Government Electrical Company investigated the series of failures and their report published on our website fully supported Patrick Mattheisens deductions and proposals. As a result in 2010 the entire system of electrical distribution and supply to the houses was re-installed and upgraded from single phase supply to 3 phase supply with an earthing return system designed by Patrick Matthiesen. New transformers were installed, new termite proof pylons and a new generator was installed since the one installed in 2008/9 as noted by Patrick Matthiesen was defective. Effectively the entire system was rebuilt and the costs were passed to Practical Action.  In addition a full training program was carried out for the locals and Site foreman trained to look after the system. The only surviving equipment from the first installation were the Power House, Pelton Wheel Turbine, the spore race, dam and downpipes.

I am pleased to report that as reported on our website the system has now been running trouble free for the last 4 months providing electricity to the school with television service and to about 500 people in two villages. In addition to this the foundation sponsored the down payment to Anya for new children’s land in Eca province, one of the poorest parts of Southern Peru in the desert. This will be show model children’s land with fresh water supply the usual children lands formula as carried out previously with playground, vegetable plots, playhouse, latreens etc. In addition the designated site gifted to the children contains a small failing plantation of Huarangos trees designated by Q as Britain’s Pre-Species in Latin America. This is a desert tree and although this is a very small stand it is the beginning for conservation of this species. Previous efforts carried out under the auspices of Q gardens had failed. But we know that the children once educated to respect and look after nature will ensure this species is replanted and thrives in its native environment. 

The foundation also donated 4000 pounds to The Prince William Museum towards the missing funds for the acquisition of an extraordinary fine Hendrick Terbruggen musician, again illustrated on the website. A small donation was made to The Courtauld Institute, The London Handle Society and towards the hire of equipment for the 2010 summer concert in Rollo Liguria.