The Division of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development of UNESCO has officially recognised The Childrens Lands projects as ‘an official activity within the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. This is a quite timely initiative and helps in promoting a new vision of a more just and sustainable world. It offers a very creative way to get key sustainability messages to children and young adults, and to exchange ideas around sustainability issues’. The projects are fully in line with the objectives and priorities set out by the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD, 2005-2014), co-ordinated by UNESCO.
This is a great step forward and will make diversification into additional countries easier. It will also help fund raising. The Matthiesen Foundation is proud to have provided the seed money for four original schemes in the Tambopata Rain Forest Reserve in Peru 2000-2001 and to have worked on successive schemes and multiple publications since then with Joaquin Leguia and ANIA. The letter and authorisation to use their logo is contained within the accompanying PDF.